Outdoor fitness classes at Alamo Square Park 

Whether training for a triathlon, tennis match, or taking on the daily grind of life, our cardio and strength training classes will make you faster, stronger, and fit to take on any obstacle. 

ScheduleBuy a PassRegister for Class

Boot Camp with a Sports Twist

Class workouts are inspired by various sports and include a mix of strength, agility drills, and cardio. You'll be challenged by body weight exercises, circuits, and the relentless hills of Alamo Square. 

Class Location

All classes meet at the center of Alamo Square Park
(directly north from the corner of Hayes and Pierce)

Schedule and Membership 

Classes are every Monday and Wednesday morning between 6:45A-7:45A. If you'd like to join, please register using Punchpass, there you can also purchase drop-in and multi-use passes. Class size is limited to eight participants so sign-up early!

Class fees are as follows:

Drop-in:  $10
4-Pack:  $30
30 Days:  $45

ScheduleBuy a PassRegister for Class

Class Leader – Paul Supawanich

Paul’s love for fitness began as a child in the cornfields of Illinois. As a regular on the soccer, basketball and track teams, he developed a knack for coaching and pushing his teammates to be faster, stronger, and more in tune with their fitness goals. 

In San Francisco, Paul translates his love for cities and outdoor activity into group fitness classes while taking advantage of the City’s beautiful spaces and challenging terrain. He combines a love of working with groups with his friendly, yet motivating style to create unique classes that require strength, coordination, and a love of being outdoors. Paul carries a personal training certification from the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and is TRX Suspension Group Training qualified. He holds degrees from both Georgia Tech and UC Berkeley.
